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About Yonder Host :
The place where there's games, drugs and Rock'nRoll
Hi there!It's nice that you dropped by...
I'm still working on my site and could take a while till it's finished

I know everybody want's to see how I look when I am in God-mode, but that's not why I made a homepage... If you really want to know how Nyarlathotep looks like, then you will just have to wait till you get insane, the last "person" you saw would have been me.(Whoehaha)

And if you would be interested what's on this webpage, here's a short summary:

HOMEPAGE: It's just the entry...
ABOUT PAGE:: Tells you what's to find inhere and says something about your host.
PHOTO PAGE:: This is the place with nice pictures of dragons.
WHAT'S NEW:: Is rather obvious.
FAVORITE LINKS:: As long as it ain't right it's no problem hey...
CUSTOM PAGE:: If you're looking for info on drugs, you can find it here!

This is me, myself and I
If you want to know what my hobbies are, here they are:

I've been playing the cello and the guitare,in 2 bands; one was called Miy Mouche & the other was called LEMURES MALIFICAR (meaning "the bad ancestors spirits"). Miy Mouche is a folk band, while Lemures Malificar is more something in the style of Nirvana-unplugged...only we are better. But since I had to work, the schedules didn't fit and I had to gave them up...

Playing RPG's is also one of my all-time favorite's to kill the time. Personally I think Call of Cthulu is the best RPG,followed by Paranoia and SLA-Industries. but I also play Legend of the 5 Rings,AD&D, Fading Suns and Vampire Live.

And when you mix games and music together you arrive at a very large variety of style's in music, which I happen to like also... But it is in in fact easier to point out the music which I absolutely dislike and that's hip-hop, R&B, and that supercommercial bullshit-music typical MTv-stuff. The music I mostly listen to is Metal, Grunge, Classical and Folk, not necessarily in that order.

I also spare some of my time to drawing and painting, because nothing is more fun than the feeling of oil-paint in your hands and the turpentine-fumes swirling around you...

And as a good Belgian boy, I also go to a nice Pub to drink some excellent Belgian beers and smoke a joint from time to time, cause weed is good for your elves. And something like 2 or 3 times a year I take a portion of these nice magical psylocibe mushrooms, the least expensive way to travel far away... That's as far as I wanna go with drugs.

Last but not least, and probably quite logical, I also like to sit behind the computer and surf the waves of the net... Enough bullshit for now, feel free to roam and explore my homepage.

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Galaxy 42
